台灣三和技術股份有限公司 高雄市
台灣三和技術股份有限公司經由長行事 義人開業於高雄市大寮區民權街143號已有2年5個月(2017-05-18),開立統編:54194931提供消費者金屬結構及建築組件製造業|金屬容器製造業|其他金屬製品製造業|鋼材二次加工業各種商品·技術·服務。…
台灣三和技術股份有限公司經由長行事 義人開業於高雄市大寮區民權街143號已有2年5個月(2017-05-18),開立統編:54194931提供消費者金屬結構及建築組件製造業|金屬容器製造業|其他金屬製品製造業|鋼材二次加工業各種商品·技術·服務。…
台灣製造商 提供給批發商,進口商,與需大量購買之買家的 幫浦式自動定量充填機, 容積式自動定量填充機, 雙出口補充包真空夾帶定量填充機, 高黏度擠壓式定量填充機, 多功能組合充填旋蓋機, 固定式高速乳化機, 固定式低速攪拌機, 容積式保溫自動定量 ...
振發機械有限公司。 212 個讚。各式陶藝機械 窯業機械承造 真空練土機械 機械工程設計 特殊規格提供 全部機械 純手工打造 耗時費工 物超所值!!
plasma coating, plasma coatings, vacuum coating equipment, vacuum coating machine, vacuum metallizing machine.
plasma coating, plasma coatings, vacuum coating equipment, vacuum coating machine, vacuum metallizing machine.
Establish : July 1980 July, 2009; Operations : PVD TiN or ZrN Hard coating plant. Aluminium allory wheel sputtering chrome coating plant. Note Book Computer case EMI coating plant. In-line Plasma treatment for plastic componemt meet water base la
VACUUTEK CORPORATION No.750, Sec. 1, Yanghu Rd., Yangmei Dist., Taoyuan City 326, Taiwan (R.O.C.), TEL: +886-3-4786826 FAX: +886-3-4786926 E-Mail:
VACUUTEK CORPORATION No.750, Sec. 1, Yanghu Rd., Yangmei Dist., Taoyuan City 326, Taiwan (R.O.C.), TEL: +886-3-4786826 FAX: +886-3-4786926 E-Mail:
PVD TiN or ZrN Hard coating plant. ‧ Aluminium allory wheel sputtering chrome coating. plant. ‧ Note Book Computer case EMI coating plant. ‧ In-line Plasma treatment for plastic componemt. meet water base lacquer. ‧ Robot spray + UV curing + meta
The Vacuum Metallizing -- pollution free technology found in the year of fifty's and becomes wider range using in Architecture, Automobile, Cosmetic Packing, Toys, furniture, Decorations and Electronic parts in ninety years. From following descri
Vacuutek ‧ Vacuutek takes hard research to develop most advance technology ‧ In PVD Hard Coating for Hardware and Time pieces Industries. ‧ All of ARC coatings provided hard, strong and many different color coating ‧ on the surface of Aluminum al