This is what I am talking about. 孟子曰。仁則榮、不仁則辱。今惡辱而居不仁、是猶惡溼而居下也。如惡之、莫如貴德而尊士。賢者在位、能者在職。國家閒暇、及是時明其政刑。雖大國、必畏之矣。 詩云。
Simple Getting started is a snap! Simply click on a button at the top of the page to call up a list in this window. After narrowing down the results to find the kanji you want, click on it to bring it up in the info panel. Usable Kanji are tough. An onlin
被認為是繼愛因斯坦後,最偉大的英國物理學家史蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)於昨(14)日離開人世,享年76歲。儘管與病魔搏鬥逾半世紀,但他憑藉過人智慧與毅力,活出多采多姿人生,一起來回顧他過去在公開場合中,留下的激勵人心的隻字 ...
1,945 Jōyō Kanji 亜哀愛悪握圧扱安暗案以位依偉囲委威尉意慰易為異移維緯胃衣違遺医井域育一壱逸稲芋印員因姻引飲院陰隠韻右宇羽雨渦浦運雲営影映栄永泳英衛詠鋭液疫益駅悦謁越閲円園宴延援沿演炎煙猿縁遠鉛塩汚凹央奥往応押横欧殴王翁黄沖億屋 ...
國光幫幫忙2018-06-21 大哥是對的救援隊出動她們都跌入打工陷阱 · 國光幫幫忙 2018-06-20 大哥是對的大姐頭正妹惹到她們保證會 ...... April 23, 2013 at 4:31 am.
帥definition at, a free online dictionary with English, Mandarin Chinese, Pinyin, Strokes. Look it up now!
帅definition at, a free online dictionary with English, Mandarin Chinese, Pinyin, Strokes. Look it up now!
帅 : handsome, grace... : shuài. Definition. Mandarin Chinese Pinyin English Dictionary.
commander-in-chief; marshal. officialdom; senior officials. (of a person or a thing) leader; guider; leading factor. (Chinese chess) marshal; the chief piece (on the red side) (colloquial, of men) handsome; good-looking; hot.