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青 島 青島黃海之濱,膠州灣畔,有一顆深受中外遊人喜受的璀燦明珠——青島。城市是因為海中有座小青島而得名。這裡風景秀麗,氣候宜人,以多姿多采的旅遊名勝和天然良港馳名中外。 青島在清末仍為一普通小漁村,原本屬於即墨市。
翰墨雅集文創工作室 shared 林義桓's post. · March 9 at 11:30pm ·. Image may contain: outdoor, nature and water. Image may contain: ocean, sky, outdoor, water and nature. Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor. Image may contain: mountain, outdoor and nature. Image may c
Image may contain: 1 person, standing and indoor. Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and indoor. +2. 翰墨雅集文創工作室 added 5 new photos. October 22, 2017 ·. “雁行千里、默墨耕耘”翰墨雅集會員聯展。 地點:彰化縣文化局員林演藝廳展覽室(彰化縣員林市員林大道2段99號) 展期:106年10月18日至11 ...
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