用"片語"造句- "查查"在線詞典
tw.ichacha.net種加詞不同程度地重復或不重復同片語名稱的某個關鍵詞。 這是一本包含美國片語 用語的辭典。 校定人員在這份論文里更改了許多片語。 不及物片語動詞沒有受詞 跟隨。 這本辭典的名子叫做ntc美國片語辭典。 片語動詞可分為可分離與不可分離兩 種。 試著把這些英語單字和片語用心學起來。 含硬幣設計片語的文件; 不及物片語 動詞 ...
英文片語造句| Yahoo奇摩知識+
tw.answers.yahoo.com根據sophiecyxxx大大的解答 給你兩個免費字典的網址 1) 劍橋字典http://dictionary. cambridge.org/ 2) 朗文字典http://www.ldoceonline.com/ 只要在搜尋框鍵入要查詢 的字詞, 就可以看到解釋及例句 不過有個技巧: 查的時候, 搜尋片語中的重要字(名詞, 動詞, 形容詞, 副詞), 而不是整個片語key進去查, 因為這樣往往傳回的不是" ...
英文片語造句| Yahoo奇摩知識+
tw.answers.yahoo.com1.the……the --The more effort you put, the more achievement you get. 你付出越多 努力,得到的成果就越多。 2.and vice versa 反過來也一樣反之亦然 --You can cruise from Cairo to Aswan or vice Versa (= also from Aswan to Cairo) 你可以搭船 從開羅遊覽澳阿旺斯,也可以從阿旺斯遊覽到開羅 3.to back up 後退倒(車) --I
英文片語造句20點| Yahoo奇摩知識+
tw.answers.yahoo.com令人難以置信/不可思議的景象. What a incredible view!這真是個令人難以置信的 景象. It is difficult to believe such a incredible view.我真不敢相信眼前這不可思議的 景象.
英文片語造句例句| Yahoo奇摩知識+
tw.answers.yahoo.com1.The monument was to be dedicated to the memory of the national hero. 2. To be dificient in practical experience, will effect the work. 3. He is disappointed about the wrong doing of his friend. 4. Tom was envious of his friend's success in busi
用英文片語造句| Yahoo奇摩知識+
tw.answers.yahoo.comAll clues point to the fact that a big mouse ate my cheese cookie. Seeing the picture, I think of my father, who passed away two years ago. You can look up a map if you don't know where you are. If you want to know how a word is used , just look
英文片語造句| Yahoo奇摩知識+
tw.answers.yahoo.com1. what is exact your work for living? 意思是你到底從是什摸樣的職業 2. Can I take your order please 可以點菜了嗎? 3. You are responsible for that project 你是這 一個案子的負責人 4. I am working at BWS 我在BWS 上班 5. Education is every parent's duties 教育是每一個家長的責任. TA.
片語造句請英文高手幫忙| Yahoo奇摩知識+
tw.answers.yahoo.com1.As a result. We have spent so much time preparing this report; as a result, everyone was impressed. 我們花了這麼多時間準備這份報告, 結果大家都很滿意 2. live on. He is currently unemployed, and lives on unemployment benefit. 他現在 沒有工作, 依靠政府支助過活. 3.Due to. He was delayed
英文片語與成語- 有聲例句- Unit 01 - WordsGo
www.wordsgo.com01. to wait for (等待~) 02. as usual (照常;一如往常) 03. to find out (找到;發現) 04. to look at (看著;注視) to look for (尋找~), 05. all right (可以;沒關係) 06. right now ( 現在;馬上) 07. little by little (漸漸地;慢慢地), 08. to call on (要求;呼籲) 09. never mind (沒關係;不要緊) ...
實用英文片語100句 English Learning線上免費英文學習網 - HiTutor
www.hitutor.com.tw常用100招英文片語,包含英文例句,讓你透過英文片語說英文,提高英文口說的 程度和深度…