Are you a student or graduate interested in joining an award winning architecture practice? Head along to one of our Grad Nights, happening in our Wellington and Auckland Studios, to hear more about what it's like to work at Jasmax. We look forwa
Urban Cottage - Life Style Store, 布蘭特福德. 149 個讚好. The Urban Cottage is a fashion forward life style store that carries a wide variety of products from...
法蘭德室內設計, 桃園區. 4660 個讚好· 98 人正在談論這個· 8 次簽到. 提供施工 過程完工現場照3D彩圖.
Currant Interior Design, 蘭里市。 122 個讚。 Currant can assist you with any project from color consultation, staging, editing, layouts, full service interior...
Escritório de Arquitetura situado na cidade de Sapiranga e Novo Hamburgo, RS. Kaza 2 Ark Surgiu de uma parceria e amizade de mais de 7 anos. Trabalhamos juntas, fizemos trabalhos de faculdade, saímos, tiramos dúvidas, aprendemos uma com a outra,
Kaza2ark, 薩皮蘭加。 447 個讚。 arquitetura + interiores.
MULAND(深圳市梅兰室内设计有限公司)的设计团队以创造体验场景为核心技术 擅长,就像一个优秀的电影导演,他们长于把一个优美的、充满惊喜的故事从实体 环境的形态令人感动的呈现在观者面前。MULAND自创立之时,矢志于互动体验空间 的探索。设计师们平均年龄28岁,他们并不仅仅关注塑造物体,更多关注的是观念上 的 ...
卡希納家飾股份有限公司 台北市中正區. 建物裝修及裝潢業,資本額暫不提供,員工 數18人. H.N.LIN 由林憲能先生創立於1978年,初期以工作室形態,從事室內設計及 家具設計為主,自1986年起,他先後取得世界知名品牌家具名廠有Cassina .Ceccotti . Fiam. Zanotta. ClassiCon. Triangolo. Acerbis. 戶外傢俱Extremis. 藝術地毯Pa.
Gallery South, 莱克兰. 244 次赞. Full Interior Design Studio.