在西方,第一間現代模式的餐館(即客人各於不同餐桌坐下、從餐牌選菜、有指定營業時間)是開業於1782年的 Grand Taverne de Londres。1789年法國大革命後,法國 飲食業同業公會解散,貴族逃亡,留下大批擅於烹調的傭人,加上大批從法國不同省份湧到巴黎 ...
餐旅服務人員常用英語100句. 1. 先生,早! Good morning, sir. 2. 女士,午安. Good afternoon. 3. 小姐,晚安。 Good evening. 4. 歡迎光臨本館/本店。 Welcome to our restaurant/hotel. 5. 需要我效勞嗎? May I help you? 6. 要我幫什麼忙嗎? What can I do for you? 7. 這邊請! This way, please. 8. 您先請! After you! 9. 請坐!
1.food and beverage trade 2.dining industry 3.food business. 4.resturant business. 5.catering trade 通常第4個是較常用也較實用的.
1. Food and drinks industry/business/trade 2. Trade in providing food and beverages.
Somebody is engaged in the catering trade.
請問先生/小姐有幾位? How many of you in the party? 現在客滿需要我幫你劃位 等候嗎? There are no seats available at the moment, should I put your name on the waiting list? 請跟我來, 坐這好嗎? Please follow me. Is that ok to sit here? 我只 會一些些英文而已,請見諒. I speak only a little English
餐飲業英文翻譯:catering industry…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋餐飲業英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯餐飲業,餐飲業的英語例句用法和解釋。
服務生,我要打包!牛排三分熟!我要荷包蛋! 到國外餐聽吃飯總是皮皮挫,不知道該怎麼表達嗎?VT準備了實用的餐廳英文用語,讓你以後用英文流利的點餐!到國外餐廳吃飯會遇到的情況百百款,你知道怎麼訂位、點餐、給
How many people(persons) are you together.sir?先生‧請問有幾位? Are you ready to order now? 請問可以點餐了嗎? What can I do for you, sir? 請問先生有甚麼需要服務的嗎? What would you like to drink? 請問要喝甚麼飲料? Do you have a reservation, sir? 請問有先訂位嗎? I'm awfully sorry, there are no vacan