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iPhone X 創造一款全螢幕的 iPhone ,一直是我們的願景。它讓你全心投入、沈醉其中,甚至忘了還有螢幕的存在。 ... 第一款符合 iPhone 標準的 OLED 螢幕,具備準確絢麗的色彩,讓黑色更見真實、亮度更為鮮明,以及達到 1,000,000:1 的對比度。
全新 iPhone X 經過徹底重新設計,配備全螢幕顯示器與 A11 Bionic 。瀏覽技術規格並查看全新功能。 開啟選單 關閉選單 Apple 購物袋 Apple Mac iPad iPhone Watch TV Music 支援服務 搜尋 購物袋 iPhone X 開啟選單 關閉選單 ...
iPhone X 支援 4G LTE 網路的電信 業者與國家或地區等資訊 我是否需要 iPhone 專屬的服務方案? 是的。你自 所購買的 iPhone 為解鎖的空機,你可直接聯繫電信業者,了解適用於 iPhone 的各種服務方案 ...
Jobs at Apple. We are committed to diversity. Apple is an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.
There’s never been a better time to develop for Apple Platforms. ... Machine Learning Now models process even faster and are smaller than ever. Easily create and train models to deliver more intelligent functionality in your apps.
Switch from Android to iPhone for the great camera, fast performance, and because it’s easy to use. We think you’ll love it. ... iPhone runs on high-performance chips that are custom-designed by Apple — including the most powerful and smartest chip ever i
iPhone X features a new all-screen design. Face ID, which makes your face your password. And the most powerful and smartest chip ever in a smartphone.
iPhone Xは、すべてがスクリーンの新しいデザインを持っています。あなたの顔を パスワードにするFace IDや、これまでのスマートフォンの中で最もパワフルで最も賢い ...
iPhone X features a new all-screen design. Face ID, which makes your face your password. And the most powerful and smartest chip ever in a smartphone.