atv wikipedia
亞視錄影廣場 花蓮縣
魅力資訊館 新北市
ATV Home (Chinese: 亞洲電視本港台) was a free-to-air Cantonese television channel in Hong Kong, owned and operated by Asia Television. It was formed in September 1963 as a result of the split of the bilingual Rediffusion Television subscription service (which wa
ATV may refer to: Contents. [hide]. 1 Broadcasting. 1.1 Television stations and companies. 2 Transportation; 3 Other uses. Broadcasting[edit]. Amateur television ...
跳到 Military ATVs - The term "ATV" was originally coined to refer to non-straddle ridden six-wheeled amphibious ATVs such as the Jiger produced by the ...
ATV (stylized as atv) is a nationwide TV channel in Turkey, began broadcasting in September 1993. ATV is an acronym of Actual Television (Aktüel Televizyonu) ...
ATV (Author Television) is the oldest Russian private TV company. It was founded in the USSR in 1988 by Anatoly Malkin and Kira Proshutinskaya. It reached its ...
ATV is the largest privately operated terrestrial television network in Pakistan; the channel has the second largest national viewership base in the country only ...
ATV is the first Hungarian private TV channel, broadcasting continuously since 1989. The focus of programming is news, public life, current events. Licensed as ...
ATV is the largest commercial television station in Austria and was the first commercial station to be aired via transmitters after a long time when commercial ...
ATV is a television station in Melbourne, Australia, part of Network Ten – one of the three major Australian commercial television networks.
亞洲電視(Asia Television Limited, ATV)- 香港一家前身經營免費地面廣播,現在 ... 電視營運商,營運時創辦索尼/聯合電視音樂出版(Sony/ATV Music Publishing)。