Bistrot Langka(金邊): 讀讀744則則關於Bistrot Langka客觀公正的美食評論,在TripAdvisor的5分滿分評等中得5分,在金邊的1644家餐廳中排第1名。
金邊Bistrot Langka圖片:1st Floor @ Bistrot Langka - 快來看看TripAdvisor 會員拍攝的43546 張/部Bistrot Langka真實照片和影片.
By far the best food we had in our whole month trip to Cambodia. We went here for our last night, really wished we were staying longer just so we could go back.
Bistrot Langka, Phnom Penh Picture: Menu - Check out TripAdvisor members' 44511 candid photos and videos of Bistrot Langka.
Bistrot Langka, Phnom Penh Picture: Menu - Check out TripAdvisor members' 44470 candid photos and videos of Bistrot Langka.
2018年5月23日 - Bistrot Langka, Phnom Penh Picture: Bistrot Langka - Check out TripAdvisor members' 43204 candid photos and videos of Bistrot Langka.
Bistrot Langka, Phnom Penh Picture: With the manager - Check out TripAdvisor members' 44232 candid photos and videos of Bistrot Langka.
Bistrot Langka, Phnom Penh Picture: Menu - Check out TripAdvisor members' 44511 candid photos and videos.
Bistrot Langka, Phnom Penh Picture: Menu - Check out TripAdvisor members' 44511 candid photos and videos.
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