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Appendix VI 附錄VI Appendix V 附錄V Appendix IV 附錄IV Appendix III 附錄III Appendix II 附錄II Appendix I 附錄I All 全部 Year of Completion 落成年份 Owners' Corp
2017年11月19日 - Chinachem Eco-Walk 2.0, Hong Kong's largest single-day eco activity, took place at the Aberdeen Country Park today, with about 4000 people ...
2017年10月13日 - Chinachem Eco-Walk 2.0, Hong Kong's largest single-day eco activity, will take place at the Aberdeen Reservoirs on 19 November (Sunday).
2017年10月6日 - Organisation: Chinachem Group. Detail: Chinachem Eco-walk is one of the largest single-day eco activities in Hong Kong that has attracted ...
Organisation: Chinachem Group. Detail:Chinachem Eco-Walk is one of the largest single-day eco activities held in Hong Kong, attracting over 17,000 ...
【Chinachem Eco Walk 2017 in Hong Kong】 Chinachem believes we could build a better tomorrow by living a more sustainable life today. Therefore, the Group...