create a lot of buzz
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7 Cheap Ways To Generate Buzz For Your Business - Forbes
www.forbes.com2015年5月21日 - Ah, the elusive “buzz.” As business owners, we chase after it, hoping it will drive traffic and sales. But word of mouth marketing isn't something you can force; there is no surefire strategy you can use to get people to talk (positively) ab
create buzz是什麼意思_create buzz在線翻譯、解釋、發音、同義詞、反義詞_英語單詞大全_911查詢
danci.911cha.com英語單詞大全提供create buzz是什麼意思,create buzz在線翻譯,create buzz什麼意思,create buzz的意思,create buzz的翻譯,create buzz的解釋,create buzz的發音,create buzz的同義詞,create buzz的反義詞,create buzz的例句,create buzz的相關片語,create buzz意思 ...
5 Ways To Create Big Buzz For Your Business | OPEN Forum 27, 2011 I give a lot of presentations on how businesses owners can get free publicity through media coverage. One of the challenges I often hear in these presentations is that business owners don't know how to create buzz or excitement in the media,
Urban Dictionary: buzz
www.urbandictionary.comto buzz someone is to call someone, so it rings once and then ito hang up so they receive a missed call- to get their attention. vaious reasons why you would want to get someones attention : -to check their text messages -so they will ring you back-as a c
IDIOM - TO GENERATE BUZZ - English Course Malta
www.englishcoursemalta.comMeaning – to draw positive attention and interest in something, to create interest in a product or service. In Context – The new Google glasses are generating a ...
buzz | Definition of buzz in English by Oxford Dictionaries
en.oxforddictionaries.comDefinition of buzz - a low, continuous humming or murmuring sound, made by or similar to that made by an ... 'they created a huge buzz with their latest album'.
Buzz | Definition of Buzz by Merriam-Webster
www.merriam-webster.comBuzz definition is - to make a low continuous humming sound like that of a bee. How to use buzz in a sentence. ... in the meaning defined at sense 1 See Words from the same year NEW! Time Traveler buzz Synonyms Synonyms burr, chirr, bawl, howl, roar, , ..
Launch like Steve Jobs: 7 Ways to Build Buzz for Your Next Product ...
blog.kissmetrics.comWhen you launch a product, everyone in your company is probably excited by the technical specs, and all of the different ways your product pushes the ...
create a lot of buzz | English examples in context | Ludwig
ludwig.guruHigh quality example sentences with “create a lot of buzz” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in ...