跳到 Google公司 - 施密特在2001年3月以董事會成員的身分擔任Google的董事長,並在同年8月兼任总裁一職。任職於Google時,施密特採取與兩位創始人佩 ...
Upon being hired at Google, Eric Schmidt was paid a salary of $250,000 and an annual performance bonus. He was granted 14,331,703 shares of Class B common stock at $0.30 per share and 426,892 shares of Series C preferred stock at purchase price of $2.34.
After 17 years, Eric Schmidt stepped down in Jan. 2018 as executive chairman of Google's parent company, Alphabet; he will now be a technical advisor.
エリック・エマーソン・シュミット(Eric Emerson Schmidt, 1955年4月27日 - )はアメリカ合衆国の技術者、経営者で、Googleの元CEO。現在は持株会社であるアルファベット ...
Eric Schmidt, in full Eric Emerson Schmidt, (born April 27, 1955, Washington, D.C.), American information technology executive who served (2001–11) as ...
The latest Tweets from Eric Schmidt (@ericschmidt). Executive Chairman & former CEO. Mountain View, CA.
2017年12月21日 - Eric Schmidt will be stepping down as the executive chairman of Alphabet's board of directors and transitioning to technical advisor, the ...
2017年9月19日 - Eric Emerson Schmidt was born on April 27, 1955, in Washington, D.C. to Eleanor and Wilson Emerson Schmidt. His mother had a Master's ...
6 Results - Eric Emerson Schmidt (born April 27, 1955) is an American software engineer, ... Books by Eric Schmidt ... by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg ...
Eric Emerson Schmidt, né le 27 avril 1955, à Washington, D.C. [1], est un homme d'affaires américain, PDG de Google de 2001 [2] à 2011, date à laquelle il devient président exécutif du conseil d'administration et est remplacé au poste de PDG par Larry Pag