F-15鷹式戰鬥機(F-15 Eagle),是一款美國開發生產的全天候、高機動性的戰術戰鬥機。以及針對獲得與維持空優而設計的它,是美國空軍現役的主力戰機之一。F-15 ...
F-15 S/MTD麥道公司F-15短場起降高機動性實驗機(S/MTD, Short Takeoff and Landing/Maneuver Technology Demonstrator)為F-15鷹式的衍生機種。開發為實驗 ...
The McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle is an American twin-engine, all-weather tactical fighter aircraft designed by McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) to gain and ...
跳到 F-15S - The F-15S is a variant of the F-15E supplied to the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) in the 1990s. Saudi Arabia previously sought to buy ...
The McDonnell Douglas F-15 STOL/MTD is a modified F-15 Eagle. Developed as a technology demonstrator, the F-15 STOL/MTD carried out research for ...
This is a list of losses involving the F-15 including the F-15 Eagle, F-15E Strike Eagle, Mitsubishi F-15J and other F-15 variants. Of all aircraft lost, none have ...
The McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle has been in service with the United States Air Force since 1976. Israel, Japan, Saudi Arabia and other nations also operate ...
O McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle é um caça táctico altamente manobrável, que pode operar sob todas as condições atmosféricas. A superioridade do Eagle é ...
The F-15S Strike Eagle is an American-developed multirole fighter for the Royal Saudi Air Force.
Ф-15 игл ("орао" - енгл. F-15 Eagle) је амерички ловачки авион, намењен за пресретање циљева и борбу за превласт у ваздушном простору, при свим ...