介紹 FLUKE 廠牌下的各個型號儀器 ... 新北市三重區重新路5段609巷16號5F-7(湯城)
2018年7月10日 - Fluke 87V Industrial Multimeter delivers accurate frequency measurements on adjustable speed drives, captures intermittents as fast 250 µS.
但是,Fluke 87V專門針對由調速馬達驅動產生的複雜信號進行了設計。再也無需猜測驅動系統的故障,將會獲得潛在的生產力。每一測量和每次測量都精確無比。
Combo kit with the Fluke 87V Industrial Multimeter, test leads with probes, alligator clips, i400 AC400A current clamp, 80BK-A thermocouple probe.
Combo kit with the Fluke 87V Industrial Multimeter, heavy duty test leads, alligator clips and test probes, hanging strap, case.
When productivity is on the line and you need to solve problems fast, the Fluke 87V delivers the accuracy and advanced troubleshooting capabilities you need.
2 The Fluke 87V is a true-rms responding meter. When the input leads are shorted together in the ac functions, the meter may display a residual reading ...
Fluke 87V 專業精密數位萬用錶(原廠品質保證/終身保固/免運費),精確測量調速馬達驅動和其他電噪聲設備的電壓和頻率,內置溫度計,兩級背光高亮度的大顯示螢幕 ...
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