How to Use gotoAndPlay() and gotoAndStop() in Flash CS5 ActionScript ... with one of two variations of the goto statement: gotoAndPlay() and gotoAndStop().
So, rollover btn_Button01 and btn_Button02 will gotoAndPlay "over". I have tried this code but it is not working. I am not sure the proper syntax ...
gotoAndPlay(20);. Note that although you see the timeline going from 1 to 40, in Javascript the frames count from zero. If you want to jump back ...
But things like 'gotoAndPlay', that's still actionscript and not javascript, right? That's the reason I can't find gotoAndPlay and gotoAndStop for ...
Using this code for a button. If I want it to go to a later.
I am new to ActionScript 3.0 and need some help. I am trying to create a button that will jump ahead to a specific frame, let the animation run, ...
Ok, I can't figure out how to make this work. I am working in AS2, and am looking for a code that allows me to stop the frame (which is easy: ...
2010年8月23日 - 7 分鐘 - 上傳者:ElementalBasics Not much, just an added tutorial.
2009年8月10日 - 2 分鐘 - 上傳者:Taimanero Flash Tutorial Code 1: on(press){ gotoAndPlay(2); } Code 2: on(press){ gotoAndPlay(2); }