Leica Camera AG is an internationally operating, premium-segment manufacturer of cameras and sport optics products. We use cookies to increase the functionality of our website and to simplify your visit to our website. We also use analytical and ...
Leica Camera AG is an internationally operating, premium-segment manufacturer of cameras and sport optics products.
Four Independent Companies Share the Leica Brand. Leica Camera, Leica Microsystems, Leica Biosystems and Leica Geosystems.
Revolutionising the world of measurement and survey for nearly 200 years, Leica Geosystems creates complete solutions for professionals across the planet.
Leica Biosystems is a global leader in workflow solutions and automation, integrating each step in the workflow from biopsy to diagnosis. ... BROAD-RANGING SECTIONING SOLUTIONS HIGH Quality Sectioning with High Performing Instruments Ask the leader in ...
Widely recognized for optical precision and innovative technology, Leica Microsystems is one of the market leaders in compound and stereo microscopy, digital microscopy, confocal laser scanning and super-resolution microscopy with related imaging systems
Leica Camera AG is a German company that manufactures cameras, lenses, binoculars, rifle scopes and ophthalmic lenses. The company was founded by Ernst Leitz in 1914. The name Leica is derived from the first three letters of his surname (Leitz) and the fi
Die Leica Camera AG ist ein international tätiger Premium-Hersteller von Kameras und Sportoptikprodukten.
Leica Geosystems Leica Geosystems is a leading developer, manufacturer and distributor of products, systems, and software that capture, visualize and process 3D spatial data through the employment of advanced technologies.
Ihren guten Ruf verdankt die M-Leica auch der großen Auswahl an hochwertigen Objektiven, anfangs in einem Brennweitenbereich zwischen 28 und 400 mm, heute zwischen 16 und 135 mm. Serienmodelle Mit der Leica IIIf hatte die klassische Schraubleica ihren ...