Stores and prices for '2015 Domaine Leroy Bourgogne Rouge, Burgundy, France'. Compare prices for this wine, at 17000+ online wine stores.
2015 Bourgogne Rouge, Maison Leroy $ 43.93 Bottle ex. sales tax Go to Shop ... 2015 Leroy Bourgogne Rouge, Red Burgundy $ 47.99 Bottle ex. sales tax Go ...
Leroy wines may be sourced from Leroy own vineyard (domaine) or from negoce (maison). Please ensure your merchant has the one you are looking for.
2015 BOURGOGNE White, LEROY SA $ 37.04 Bottle ex. sales tax Contact Store ... Maison Leroy Bourgogne Blanc 2015 $ 44.95 Bottle ex. sales tax Go to Shop.
Average of 89.6 points in 60 community wine reviews on 2015 Maison Leroy Bourgogne, plus professional notes, label images, wine details, and ...
Average of 88.4 points in 16 community wine reviews on 2015 Maison Leroy Bourgogne Blanc, plus professional notes, label images, wine details, and ...
Bourgogne Rouge, 2015 is one among the more than eight million selections.
2017年7月26日 - Maison Leroy's 2015 Bourgogne Rouge is perhaps one of the finest examples ever of proving our mantra of buying 'little wines from top talents' ...
2015 Maison Leroy Bourgogne Rouge. SKU #1317566. Robert M. Parker writes: “I have said it so many times that it may seem redundant, but if you missed it in ...
メゾン・ルロワ ブルゴーニュ・ブラン [2015]Maison Leroy Bourgogne Blanc ... 【ルロワのワイン】 契約農家から買い付けた葡萄からワイン造りをしているものと、マダムのテイスティングにより買い付けられたワインとがあり、飲み頃を迎えた頃に販売され ...