lucas k doolan
盧卡斯工作室 南投縣
盧卡工作室 臺北市
揅空間工作室」是由盧卡斯和李佳霖於2012年在紐西蘭創立的專業建築攝影工作室, 並於2016年底設立台灣的工作室。 我們希望創造能隨著時間堆疊而愈加豐富的空間 影像,選擇以最自然的方式去呈現建築影像的表現。透過細膩的觀察,探討出最能 展現每個建築空間的時間性、光、與構圖。 藉由攝影發現各建築裡的嶄新視角,尋找 每個 ...
Studio Millspace is a studio founded by Lucas K. Doolan and Chia-Lin Sara Lee specialising in the field of architectural photography. 揅空間工作室是由盧卡斯(Lucas K. Doolan)和李佳霖(Chia-Lin Sara Lee)所創立的專業建築攝影工作室。工作室於2012年成立於紐西蘭奧克蘭,並在2016年底設立於台灣。
Taiwan-based photographer Lucas K Doolan visited the site to capture the building's interaction with nature in detail, exploring the museum's carefully ...
2016年9月30日 - Taiwan-based photographer Lucas K Doolan visited the new Opera House to study its impressive internal spaces and its presence in the ...
Lucas K Doolan (Studio Millspace 揅空間工作室) visited the winner of the 2016 Taiwan Architecture Awards to capture the building's interaction with nature and...
透過Lucas K. Doolan 的攝影作品,能更清楚感受枝光院的本質。 看似簡單的區塊與俐落的線條所創造出來的水平深度與垂直關係,除了建構特別的建築外觀之外,更 ...
2016年9月26日 - taipei-based architectural photographer lucas k. doolan has recently visited and photographed the newly opened taichung metropolitan opera ...
2017年1月3日 - Lucas K Doolan revealed new images of the most-antipicated building of Taiwan designed by Japanese architect Toyo Ito. The Taichung ...
Lucas K. Doolan. BROWSE ALL FROM THIS PHOTOGRAPHER HERE. ↓. AD 聚焦:伊东丰雄. 20:00 - 21 七月, 2017 ... 项目年份. 2016. 摄影师. Lucas K. Doolan.
Headstone photographs from CAMPERDOWN CEMETERY, VICTORIA are available free by e-mailing a request to Carol at Remember to include the name of the cemetery in your request. From time to time there may be a delay in sending photos so please ...