圖1 資策會系統所廖書漢博士表 示,第五代行動通訊涵蓋範圍更甚以往,可說是引領未來10~20年高科技產業發展的動能。 3GPP主導5G技術發展 從1998年開始,由全球主要國家與電信、通訊廠商組成的3GPP,成為國際授權頻段無線技術標準最主要的制定組織,接 ...
IEEE 5G Tech Focus: Volume 1, Number 1, March 2017. 1. What is Massive MIMO? Massive MIMO is the currently most compelling sub-6 GHz physical-layer ...
2017年10月27日 - Massive MIMO空間多工有望成為蜂巢式通訊領域中改寫遊戲規則的革命性技術,支援在高流量城市地區實現更高的行動容量和效率。它利用了多徑 ...
It's looking certain that Massive MIMO will play a key part in the 5G networks of the future. Indeed, several mobile network operators around the world have ...
2017年3月31日 - Massive MIMO 為相當有趣的5G 無線研究領域,可針對新一代無線資料網路提供多方優勢,例如:以更高的資料傳輸率容納更多使用者,並於加強 ...
Massive MIMO technology and 5G communications are often mentioned in the same sentence. This article takes an in-depth look at the former, and how it ...
2017年10月30日 - Massive MIMO technology and 5G communications are often mentioned in the same sentence. This article takes an in-depth look at the former, ...
I think the main reason for Massive MIMO for 5G is 'there is no other choice'. It is highly likely that we will use very high frequency (mm Wave) signal in 5G.
2016年8月5日 - Massive MIMO will likely be a key part of 5G. Get a better understanding of the technology and challenges it faces as future networks are ...
Massive MIMO is an exciting area of 5G wireless research. For next-generation wireless data networks, it promises significant gains that offer the ability to accommodate more users at higher data rates with better reliability while consuming less power. U