2015年2月4日 - Jason在某外商公司當業務副總,一般英文溝通尚可,但他最怕的就是在視訊會議裡討論業績目標和預算。他心裡明明知道要講哪個數字,但話到嘴邊,總是慢半拍,甚至講錯金額導致業績目標差了十萬八千里,或是老外批哩啪拉很快講了一串數字,他卻很難轉換過來,往往呆若木雞,無法跟上。
World population (millions, UN estimates) # Top ten most populous countries 2000 2015 2030* 1 China* 1,270 1,376 1,416 2 India 1,053 1,311 1,528 3 United States 283 322 356 4 Indonesia 212 258 295 5 Brazil 176 208 229 6 Pakistan 138 189 245 7 Nigeria 123
This part of the globalissues.org web site presents some of the hard hitting facts and statistics on poverty. ... Notes and Sources Sources: Shaohua Chen and Martin Ravallion, The developing world is poorer than we thought, but no less successful in the f
2006年11月28日 - 中文大數和英文大數的轉換經常是令學生頭痛的問題,即使不是令人頭痛,也要傷一下腦筋, ... 如1346萬,則小數點往左推兩位數,成13.46million。
Number unit conversion between million and billion, billion to million conversion in batch, Million Billion conversion chart.
million. 10 000 000 (107). 千萬. ten million. ten million. 100 000 000 (108). 億. hundred million. hundred million. 109. 十億. thousand million. billion. 1010. 百億.
This article lists and discusses the usage and derivation of names of large numbers, together .... Some names of large numbers, such as million, billion, and trillion, have real referents in human experience, and are encountered in many ...
1,000,000,000 (one billion, short scale; one thousand million or milliard, yard, long scale) is the natural number following 999,999,999 and preceding ...
2018年3月21日 - Learn how many zeros are in a million, billion, trillion, and other numbers, including the very largest ones, even googol.
In the modern world, we regularly encounter the words million and billion, and businesses, governments, astronomers and journalists often think in the millions, ...