自行車/其他產業 TSLG耐落提供功能需求的扣件預塗產品及客製化的產品設計。以穩定的品質提升客戶產品價值,與客戶共同創造市場競爭力!產業應用包括:自行車、自動化設備、傳動設備、氣動工具、手工具、機械五金…等。
Consumer Electronics Industry Keeping up the slim, light-weighted, and water-proof design trend of consumer electronics, the excellent self- locking capability, reusability, and sealing function of TSLG products can enforce product structural integrity an
NYLOK ® BLUE ® PATCH是TSLG耐落集團引進美國NYLOK公司領先世界開發成功的產品,係以專業加工技術將特殊的工程塑膠永久附著在螺牙上,使其具有防止螺 ...
The NYLOK ® BLUE ® PATCH is the world leading self-locking product from NYLOK USA and introduced by TSLG. The tough, resilient blue nylon patch ...
Since our foundation in 1942, we've registered over 150 patents, more than any other company in our field. Nylok products serve customers around the world.
Nylok products serve customers around the world in a diverse range of industries such as automotive, aerospace, military and agricultural equipment.
NYLOK® TORQ-PATCH® locknut is a self-locking element comprised of nylon permanently bonded into the threads of a nut.
Nylok® Blue Nylon Torq-Patch® Tuflok® is a self-locking element comprised of nylon permanently bonded onto the threads of a fastener. When the Nylok® Blue ...
NYSTAY® customized fastener retention solution allows the fastener to be held in place during production and transport without affecting the end assembly.
Välkommen till Nylok Välkommen till Nylok och den pålitliga gängsäkringen och tätningen TUF-LOK®. TUF-LOK® metoden har använts och utvecklats i mer än 50 år och känns i dag igen världen över som Nylok, "The TRUE BLUE". På vår fabrik Nylok Scandinavia ...