龍逸軒Loong Yat Heen的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於尖沙咀彌敦 道19-21號九龍酒店2樓。主要菜式包括砵酒焗蠔, 。龍逸軒環境寧靜高雅,主廚為 榮獲米芝蓮兩星廚師楊建業師傅,餐廳一系列的精緻點心、中式佳餚及宴會菜色,均 屬最地道、最矜貴的中國傳統美食,加上地點方便,是洽談業務或與至愛親朋聚頭的 好 ...
大堂酒廊Lobby Lounge. 2K. (100 食評). 尖沙咀麼地道64號九龍香格里拉大酒店 大堂. $101-200. 西式 · 自助餐. 下午茶自助餐; 鳥語下午茶. 66. 9. 大堂酒廊85折下午 茶自助餐優惠 ...
倚窗閣The Window Cafe的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於尖沙咀彌 敦道19-21號九龍酒店2樓。主要菜式包括甜品, 生蠔, 刺身, 即開生蠔, 鵝肝, Movenpick雪糕, 自製珍多冰, 冷盤, waffle, DESSERT, dinner buffet, buffet, 。倚窗閣 提供各種來自世界各地的國際美食,並提供早餐、午餐、下午茶、晚餐以至自助晚餐, 而且餐廳 ...
One of the things you quickly realize about Hong Kong is that people here LOVE 2 things: shopping and eating. If the locals aren’t out on the streets of Causeway Bay making purchases at SOGO or buying the latest Louis Vuitton bag, they’re out having dim s
Cruise port guide for Hong Kong, China. Information on where your ship docks, how to get from the port into the city, maps, bus and shuttle information, public transport options, cruise terminal information, cruise port schedules, must see sights, shoppin
It was a very fruitful trip in terms of eating, based on a makan list that we have put together based on recommendations from openrice.com ... precious pea: lol sabar sabar..will do the detailed post one by one
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, I love you. A very large reason is due to your amazing food choices, and the culinary scene just get more and more exciting. You see, one of the reason why Hong Kong can be vastly different and still remain interesting is its unique
A list of 10 things to do in Hong Kong when you are in Hong Kong for a holiday. The best hong kong food and dim sum, and also shopping in Hong Kong
Before anything else, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the countless Hong Kong-related threads by either asking or providing information and trip reports. ... Food and Chocolates Pasalubong Shopping Guide Since all stores have branches be
Dine at some of the top restaurants in Kowloon The Langham Hong Kong. The The Food Gallery is a gourmet's paradise which offers endless pleasure to suit every palette.