東話拼音參考表 [ 簡 介] [ 輸入法內容] [ 安裝及下載] A A 亞 | AAI 艾 | AAK 呃 | AAM 癌 | AAN 眼 | AANG 硬 | AAT 歹 | AAU 爻 | AH 亞 | AI 哎 | AK 厄 | AM 暗 | AN 鶯 | ANG 罌 | AP 鴨 | AT 壓 | AU 歐 | B BA 巴 | BAAI 拜 | BAAK 卜 | BAAN 扳 | BAANG 蹦 ...
**國語羅馬拼音對照僅供參考用,如有相關問題歡迎在上班時間電洽本局,電話:( 02)23432807、23432808,以便提供較詳細的說明。 國語羅馬拼音對照表.
Villages in the New Territories Non-indigenous villages are italicised. Composite villages are bolded. Each village has one resident representative and at least one indigenous inhabitant representative. Villages with more than one indigenous inhabitant re
la mian /lar meeiarn, lɑr miɛn / n. [Eng. (Hanyu Pinyin) translit. of Mand. 拉面 lāmiàn noodles made by pulling the dough instead of cutting it by knife: lā pull, drag, draw, tug + miàn noodle (Comp. Chi.–Eng. Dict.)] A type of Chinese handmade noodle made
潮州音字典(czyzd.com)是一个为潮而生,由个人所创办的公益项目。数年时间,精心打造,一字一音一义均手工录入。 ... © 2013-www.czyzd.com 潮州音字典 版权所有 网站备案号:粤ICP备12049650号 建议反馈请电邮:service@czyzd.com 站长微信 ...
按拼音查字,可查询各个字的拼音、部首、意思含义及解释。 ... 在线新华字典 > 按拼音查字
汉字,旨在宏扬中华文化 ... 实用附录 如何显示七万多汉字? 汉字数量知多少? 汉语简介 汉字简介 字典简介 汉语拼音方案 漢語注音符号
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China Index Chronology c.2000 BC - c.1500 BC Partly legendary Xia (Hsia) dynasty. c.1600 BC - 23 May 1046 BC Shang (Yin) dynasty.
a o e ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia ie iao iou-iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai uei-ui uan uen-un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e ai ei ao ou an en ang eng yi ya ye yao you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba