及物動詞; 1. 提供[(+for)]. On Sundays his landlady provided dinner as well as breakfast. 星期天,他的女房東不但供給早餐,還供給晚餐。 2. 裝備,供給[(+with)].
連接詞; 1. 以……為條件;假如. Provided (that) there is no opposition, we shall hold the meeting here. 假如無人反對,我們就在這裡開會。 2. provide的動詞過去式、 ...
及物動詞; 1. 給;送給[O1]. I gave him a book. 我給他一本書。 2. 給與(某人時間,機會等);授予[O1]. I'd like to give him another chance. 我想再給他一次機會。 3.
及物動詞; 1. 提供[(+for)]. On Sundays his landlady provided dinner as well as breakfast. 星期天,他的女房東不但供給早餐,還供給晚餐。 2. 裝備,供給[(+with)].
The ship was provided with radar equipment. 那船裝有雷達設備。 Somehow she managed to provide her children with food and clothing. 她總算設法使她的孩子 ...
連接詞; 1. 以……為條件;假如. I shall go providing (that) it doesn't rain. 假如不下雨我就去。 2. provide的動詞現在分詞、動名詞 ...
片語; 1. 供應, 供給; 做好適當準備, 防備; 預備個人維生所需扶養. Father provided food and clothes for our family. 父親供給我們一家人的吃和穿。 The riot in the ...