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住邦資產管理 、層峰人仕理應首選、不動產買賣、不動產租賃、房地產、投資理財、豪宅 登入 - 註冊 台灣地產 買賣 租賃 國際地產 買賣 租賃 菁英招募 市場研究 ...
Realty Income(O)美股百科: Realty Income Corporation是一家公開上市買賣不動產投資信託公司,公司主要是在美國投資商業不動產。 1969年,William E. Clark 和Evelyn J. Clark ...
爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供real estate的中文意思,real estate的用法讲解,real estate的读音,real estate的同义词,real estate的反义词,real estate的例句等英语服务。
realestate.com.au is Australia's No.1 property site for real estate. Find the latest homes for sale and rent as well as property news & real estate market data.
real estate的意思、解釋及翻譯:property in the form of land or buildings: 。了解更多。
real estate agency的意思、解釋及翻譯:a business that arranges the selling, renting, or management of homes, land, and buildings for their owners: 。了解更多。
realty的意思、解釋及翻譯:property in the form of land or buildings: 。 ... 登錄. 中文(繁體) ... uk /ˈrɪəl.ti/ us /ˈriː.əl.ti/ US also real estate, UK usually property.
Realtor的意思、解釋及翻譯:a person whose job is to arrange the sale, renting or management of homes, land and buildings for the owners, and who is a ...
realty的意思、解释及翻译:property in the form of land or buildings: 。 ... 登录. 中文(简体) ... uk /ˈrɪəl.ti/ us /ˈriː.əl.ti/ US also real estate, UK usually property.