被喚醒的蛋糕師傅醒悟到他必須在湖邊刹車。 300. I overtake the undertaker who takes my stake by mistake. 我追上那個誤拿我賭注的承辦人。
{"brand_container":"{\"brands\":[{\"brand_id\":630,\"identifier\":\"BRDC1\",\"code\":\"002\",\"desc_en\":\" MontBell has been developing outdoor products that follow the Japanese tradition of kin
{"brands":[{"brand_id":630,"identifier":"BRDC1","code":"002","desc_en":" MontBell has been developing outdoor products that follow the Japanese tradition of kinobi:Function is Beauty. The history of MontBell parallels the evolution of our functional and b
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勞力士的發展史與它的創始人Hans Wilsdorf的名字緊密相聯。1881年出生在巴伐利亞一座城市裡,他年輕時就涉足國際商業。開始時作養殖珍珠的生意,19歲居瑞士拉夏德芬(La Chaux-de-Fonds),為一家專門出口的鐘表制造廠作代理。
瑞士 DAVOSA 紳士機械腕錶藝術家 ... ※太陽光放射狀紋路錶面
Swiss Military Hanowa ── 發源於瑞士比爾城的高端工藝品牌。 1963年,創辦人 Hans Noll 成立了最早先的「Hanowa」(即 Hans Noll Watches 的縮寫),由於卓越的 ...