請問一下我使用HD Tune Pro 5.00要測試硬碟效能,讀取測試功能沒有問題,但是要測試寫入...(第1頁)
Hi. I bought new ssd SSD Crucial Bx 100 250 GB in march 2017 . Its my smart readings fine in march 2017: ULTRA-DMA CRC ERROR COUNT ...
2015年1月23日 - Basically CRC errors are caused by bad sectors or because the drive is not communicating with the computer. CRC tests the data pattern that's ...
2018年2月22日 - So far, the Ultra DMA CRC Error Count has not changed since I played around with the cable, and the OS on the drive appears to be running ...
2017年1月9日 - Hi, i've ran HD Tune Pro on my HDD seagate and it displays "attention" on Ultra dma crc error count, so it could be a cable issue. At the moment ...
HD Tune is showing very high numbers of Ultra DMA CRC ERRor Count for both drives running on my motherboards SATA controller.
I have no clue what this is but I just checked the health of my Western Digital 1Tb Green drive and I got an Ultra DMA CRC Error Count.
2011年1月30日 - 各位大大們好: 我一顆WD的硬碟健康狀況出現Ultra DMA CRC Error Count的黃色警告, 是要壞軌的前兆嗎? 是用HDTune Pro 4.60軟體看的,
UltraDMA CRC Error Count S.M.A.R.T. parameter indicates the total quantity of CRC errors during UltraDMA mode. The raw value of this attribute indicates the ...
在IDE mode之下、又遇到Ultra DMA CRC Error count 增加時 原本UDMA mode就有機會降為PIO mode 而造成C7數值增加可能原因還挺多的 C7這數值有無都沒關係,若有解決的話就會停止上升 WD硬碟甚至都有軟體可直接把SMART清空歸零重計了 ...