名詞; 1. 【文】賭注,賭物;賭博[C][+(that)]. Would you care to place a small wager of $5 on it? 你願不願就此事打個五元的小賭? vt.【文】. 1. 押(賭注);同…
wager的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. an amount of money that you risk in the hope of winning more, by trying to guess something uncertain, or the agreement that you ...
wager noun [ C ] us /ˈweɪ·dʒər/ an agreement to risk money on the unknown result of an event in the hope of winning more money than you have risked, or the amount of money risked; a bet.
wager翻譯:賭注;打賭, 賭注;打賭, 打包票;敢打賭。了解更多。
2018年1月17日 - 【四種賭注的區別】Bet, Stake, Wager, Ante Bet 賭注(通常用複數) Stake 賭注(比Bet有水準) Wager 賭注(比Bet正式) Ante 賭注(比Bet賭金.
Noun. wager (plural wagers) Something deposited, laid, or hazarded on the event of a contest or an unsettled question; a bet; a stake; a pledge.
Wager definition, something risked or staked on an uncertain event; bet: to place a wager on a soccer match. See more.
To wager is to bet: you might say to your fellow train passengers, "I'll wager ten dollars that we won't get to Chicago on time."
Definition of wager - ... Origin. Middle English (also in the sense 'solemn pledge'): from Anglo-Norman French wageure, from wager 'to wage'.