商用英文~出貨日期| Yahoo奇摩知識+
tw.answers.yahoo.com2007年8月8日 - 1. 我們預計8/31可以出貨,所以在9/3你應該就可收到貨物了. Your order is scheduled to be shipped on Aug 31, and you will receive by Sep 3. ps. "is scheduled to" 用"will" 代替句子會更簡潔 2 關於樣品的部份Naomi已經跟我申請過了,我們預計在8/14會寄給你. The application of the sample from Naomi has .
商用英文~出貨日期| Yahoo奇摩知識+
tw.answers.yahoo.com廠商已收到圖面的承認,我們也已告知此訂單很急, Therefore they already started processing and producing your purchase order. 所以廠商已開始下去排生產. They will have the scheduled delivery date by next Monday, and we will get back to you with the exact ship date. 下禮拜一將會有一個切確的岀貨日期, 我們將會在回覆你.
出貨日期貿易英文| Yahoo奇摩知識+
tw.answers.yahoo.comWe are sorry that due to there were our national holidays from last Friday, we just confirmed with our forwarder this morning for the latest shipping schedule. The delivery date is 4/14, and the clearance day is 4/15. After receiving the formal shipping i
急請問英文結關日或說出貨日怎說| Yahoo奇摩知識+
tw.answers.yahoo.com2006年1月19日 - 結關日:Cut Off Date; Closing Date 裝船日:On Board Date 預計出發日:Estimated Time of Departure (ETD) 預計抵達日:Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA).
E-mail商業實用英文~5 - 英文達人
englishdaren.blogspot.com2011年1月15日 - 請通知我們裝船的日期。 Please ship the enclosed order immediately. 請立即安排所附訂單的出 ... 因為貴公司訂購的商品尚有存貨,敝公司將立即安排出貨。 Your order for 300 doz. umbrellas will be shipped at the end ... 預計於九月卅日抵香港。請函覆確認,貨物將按時備妥。 Something unexpected compels us ...
出貨日期英文,出貨日期的英語翻譯,出貨日期英文怎麽說,英文解釋例句和用法 - "查查"綫上翻譯
tw.ichacha.net出貨日期英文翻譯:date of dispatch…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋出貨日期英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯出貨日期,出貨日期的英語例句用法和解釋。
mikexer.blogspot.tw英文沒有大前天、大後天的確切說法,只能繞著圈子說 three days ago 或 three days from now 來表示,或直接選用 next 和 last 來表達其順序,與中文的上、下星期幾不同。英文的星期一不是 week-1 而 是叫做 Mon-day (Day of the Moon),與數字一到六的順序 ...
詢問何時出貨的英文| Yahoo奇摩知識+
tw.answers.yahoo.com2008年10月20日 - Good day! My Order No. is xxxxxx, would you pls advise me when my goods will be sent? Kindly pls advise me an accurate date for my ...
[問題] 出貨期和交貨期的有差別嗎? - 看板intltrade - 批踢踢實業坊
www.ptt.cc最近跟大陸做生意要把英文文件改成中文的我應該把Shipment within 30 days of receipt of Buyer's payment 翻成收到款項30 ... 我們公司的實際狀況是30天之內裝船出貨另問我想請問. ... 有的客人定義delivery為出貨日, 09/11 21:44.
[請益] 請問何時出貨的英文? - 看板 Eng-Class - 批踢踢實業坊
www.ptt.cc請問何時出貨的英文 應用下列哪一個呢? please advise when this shipment will be shiped ? please advise when will this shipment be shiped ? 謝謝大家~ --