有網友問如果心血管患者正在服食西藥薄血丸,日常要忌食哪類食物?這引起我的興趣,因為我了解服薄血丸時不宜服用有活血袪瘀功效的中藥,如田七,丹參,桃仁,紅花,山楂等中藥材,以免雙重薄血,造成危險.日常忌食的食物較少留意,但翻看一些醫書及有關資料 ...
家有營養師!教你全家大小跟著四季吃健康 一年四季各有盛產旬味,讓專業營養師告訴你如何烹調才最好 順著節氣,從日常烹調做起,了解人體需求與四季旬食的密切關係
Got a secret recipe? Why not share it with other foodies? You are invited to upload your treasured recipes here in Chinese or English and feel free to try out other people’s culinary masterpieces as well. After all, the best way to enjoy good food is to s
2017年4月20日 - 傳統的羅宋湯Borscht來自東歐國家,主要的材料是紅菜頭。而這個是港式的,每逢到茶餐廳或舊式的西餐廳,都會有這個羅宋湯。沒有紅菜頭,用其他 ...
The vegetables most commonly added to borscht are beetroots, white cabbage, carrots, parsley root, potatoes, onions and tomatoes. Some recipes may also call for beans, tart apples, turnip, celeriac, zucchini or bell peppers. Parsnip may be used as a subst
But after days and days of Tomato Soup, Hong Kong Style Borscht Soup (羅宋湯), Chinese Stir Fried Tomato and Eggs (番茄炒蛋), oven-roasted tomatoes, salad… We surrendered as we just couldn’t finish them all. Even our neighbors and friends were ...
2017年12月31日 - 加了蕃茄醬及醬油,比一般的蔬菜羅宋湯味道更濃郁,除了當湯喝以外,更適合配餐包或饅頭吃,簡單就能解決一餐。 ... 喜歡這篇食譜嗎? 快收藏 ...